Monday, January 16, 2012

Curfew Violation; Disturbing The Peace

1/15/2012: Several students reported someone screaming that they had a stroke and needed help in Music Building. Upon investigation, Officers found student Pierce Hawthorne trapped in Music Room 2. He had fallen asleep before the power outage, woken up in the dark, and thought he had passed out from a stroke and was blind. Hawthorne was maced and taken to a holding cell for violating the curfew.

Martial Law; Curfew In Effect

1/15/2012: Power is out at Greendale Community College. GDCCCPF is initiating Safety Protocol 5. Greendale is no under martial law. All students MUST either return to their designated dorm room or leave campus. Any student found on campus, outside their designated dorm room will be arrested and detained until martial law ends.

Making False Reports

1/14/2012: A red phone booth has been spotted at various points on campus. One member of the kitchen staff reported that the booth had been placed inside the dry store room, but when officers arrived on the scene the booth was gone. This is a reminder that making false reports to the police is illegal and morally wrong. Also, if there really is a phone booth, don't put it inside.


1/11/2012: Several students have reported petty thefts around campus. Most items were of minimal value, such as pens, highlighters, and photographs. No descriptions of the suspect have been given, but if you have any information, contact GDCCCPF.

Blanket Forts II

1/10/2012: Seriously guys, stop it with the blanket forts.


Blanket Forts

1/5/2012: Several students complained of halls being blocked by blanket forts, pillow piles, and other miscellaneous bedding-structures. By the time officers arrived on the scene, the offending materials were removed. A reminder to students, building blanket forts is: 1) dangerous (aside from being a fire hazard, more people die in blanket fort collapses each year than are killed by the propellers of airplane); 2) against school policy (according to the Greendale Community College Student Handbook, building a blanket fort can result detention, suspension, and in rare cases expulsion); and 3) against the law. Any one caught blocking a fire escape route, (which includes all doors, indoor hallways, stairwells, and anywhere else I might want to go) may be found criminally liable for a Class C felony and subject to seven years in prison and/or a $200,000 fine. Anyone with information on the culprits, contact GDCCCPF immediately; do not try to apprehend the suspects on your own, they may be DANGEROUS.